SMNWR 4/19

Cyndi and I birded from 1000 - 1400 today and tallied 73 species.

East River Pool - water levels are dropping, so it is getting birdier. Purple Gallinule, several Glossy Ibis in spectacular plumage, and a few species of shorebirds including very distant Black-necked Stilts

Stony Bayou 1 - Least Terns are back, hundreds of shorebirds but most were distant and backlit, so a walk along double dikes to the south end would be necessary for good viewing

Headquarters Pond - at least four Purple Gallinules, several each of active Least Bitterns and Green Herons, two Sora. Woods around restrooms were very quiet for passerines.

Gate 122 (the "cement bridge"; last gate on east side of Lighthouse Rd before

lighthouse) - Eliza Hawkins found a Bronzed Cowbird right at the gate and it was still there later. A walk in on 122 levee to the first large, open grown pine produced the adult Great Horned Owl and its chick (found either by Eliza or Juli DeGrummond).

Lightouse Pool - loaded with birds (tide was strong and high well before high tide). A Stilt Sandpiper with dowitchers in the NE quadrant, several Am. Avocets, five species of ducks, Black Skimmers, and plenty of several species of shorebirds to sort through. I guess I should mention Am. Flamingo.

Several Seaside Sparrows were seen at various location in the saltmarsh and actually had one fly across the road in front of our vehicle.

Lots of speeding and inconsiderate drivers, particularly vehicles pulling boats; a problem on the refuge that seems to keep getting worse. Despite that, a beautiful day with good birding. Matt Johnstone