Breakthrough Milkweed Discovery

On a day in mid September Scott Davis, US Fish and Wildlife Ranger, invited us to go with him and intern Preston Earley to a section of the Refuge to talk about groundbreaking research on Aquatic Milkweed, Asclepias perennis. Their exciting discovery comes from the St. Marks Monarch Milkweed Initiative, a multi-year research project.

In the first video, Scott describes the milkweed which we now know is vital to overwintering Monarch butterflies. He talks about discovering the plant, our new understanding of the St. Marks monarchs and the national impact on Milkweed research and science.

For the past two years, Intern Preston Earley has been working with Scott on the Monarch Milkweed Initiative. Building on Scott’s narrative, Preston explains the importance of Aquatic Milkweed and describes ongoing research into migrant and resident populations of Monarchs.

The Friends of St. Marks Wildlife Refuge provides ongoing funding for the Milkweed Initiative’s interns. You can help support the effort with your contribution. Learn more about the exciting Monarch Milkweed Initiative and help us continue to provide funding.