Annual Meeting

The Friends of St. Marks Wildlife Refuge met for the 2019 Annual Meeting on Saturday, April 27, in the Visitor Center Education Building.

The presentations included very positive, concise information related to our finances, as well as Refuge updates on current programs and challenges that gave the large audience a realistic look back at the past year and excitement over the coming one.

Long-time Board of Directors Secretary, Melissa Jacoby, completed her six-year volunteer tenure, and she was recognized for her dedicated service. In addition, departing board members, Sue Conte (Board VP) and Carol Phillips were singled out for their important service to the Refuge and the Board over the recent years.

Also, several new board members were introduced: Bill Clutter, Bill Everitt, and Karen Cummins. With Melissa Jacoby and Sue Conte leaving, the structure of the Executive Board is now as follows: Susan Cason, President; Phillip Pollock, VP; John Haines, Treasurer; and Karen Willes, Secretary.


Those attending the Annual Meeting had the added luxury of hearing a really great presentation from local, nationally-recognized author, Jeff VanderMeer (right). Jeff has been a prominent Refuge supporter, and his best-selling Southern Reach Trilogy (and the setting in his novel, known as Area X) was inspired by his frequent visits to the Refuge. Again, we extend a huge thank you to Jeff for all of his contributions to the Refuge.