About the Intern Program

Biologist Joe Reinman

Since 2014, the Friends organization has been a conduit for the support of over 55 interns.  The program was initially made possible with the financial backing of Dr. Ed and Hilda Carney. They have generously continued to support the interns every year since the beginning.

The program was started by head biologist Joe Reinman and has been very successful under his leadership. The student interns are grateful to gain valuable experience, and the Refuge is exceedingly grateful for the extra work and contributions provided by the interns. 

Initially, the conservation initiatives involved at-risk species and their habitats.  The isolated locations of some work sites, and the work required that interns normally work in two-person teams. Internship lengths vary between 11 and 16 weeks.

Based on the continued support from our sponsors and the success of the program, the Refuge now also supports environmental education interns.

The Recruiting Process

The intern program recruits advanced college students who are pursuing wildlife conservation or related majors. The interns chosen have demonstrated substantial academic achievement, and in several cases they have already acquired substantial real-world experience.

Active Intern Initiatives