A Significant Milestone:
St. Marks Lighthouse Restoration


This past year has seen years of work, planning, and fundraising finally come to fruition. The historic St. Marks Lighthouse and Keeper’s Quarters have now been stabilized and restored, thanks to grants from the State Division of Historical Resources, Florida Lighthouse Association and contributions from many private donors. This historic beauty now gleams in the sun with a new roof and new coats of white paint. Her brass hinges and metal work shine. New lighting is installed, and the structure is now safe and climate-controlled. A ramp for accessibility has been constructed allowing everyone who wishes to enter the lighthouse to do so.

There is still much to do to fully restore the historic lighthouse. We still need to replace the gutters, possibly reconstruct the historic outside cistern to provide a source of water for cleaning and maintenance of landscaping, restore the historic red brick walkway, and construct a white perimeter picket fence. A replica lens will be necessary to allow the lighthouse to shine once more. So, while this past year has seen us reach a significant milestone, there is still more to do. Fundraising will continue in the coming years to fully restore historic segments of the light station. We hope everyone will stay invested in helping us “Bring the Past to Light.”


Photo credits: Top, Tom Baird; latter four images, Rippee Construction