President’s Message

I am very pleased to present the 2017-2018 annual report of the Friends of St. Marks Wildlife Refuge.

We can all be extremely proud of the Friends accomplishments made during this past year as you will read about in the following pages.

Highlights of this year’s accomplishments include:

  • Restoration of the lighthouse Keeper’s Quarters

  • Funding for interns for the Environmental Education program

  • Continued funding for conservation interns

  • New POS (point of sale) system for the Nature Store. Check out is now simpler and allows for a continually updated inventory.

Reflecting on these accomplishments is so noteworthy as we move forward. But, as we do, I'd like to take a moment to remember the loss of a very dedicated Friend. In 2018, Board of Directors president, Mary Smallwood, passed. Many of our successes in recent years have hinged on her insightful direction and hard work. We will miss her greatly.

I will close this message by thanking all of you for your continued support of the Friends group with your time, membership, and donations.  It is an honor and joy to work with you.

Susan Cason, President

Board of Directors
Susan Cason, President
Sue Conte, Vice President
John Haines, Treasurer
Melissa Jacoby, Secretary
Leslie Paugh
Carol Phillips
Phillip Pollock
Laura Rush
Karen Willes
Nicole Zampieri
Robin Will, USFWS Liaison