Megan Nichols (2020)

Monarch Milkweed Initiative

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My name is Megan.  I am a senior biology student at FSU and the current intern with the St. Marks Monarch Milkweed Initiative.  I have always loved nature.  As a teen, I would get lost exploring the woods around my home.  Yet I didn't appreciate the plants around me until I came to Tallahassee. 

I first volunteered at the milkweed nursery in 2015, as a member of the Environmental Service Program at FSU.  Milkweeds were my introduction to botany, and I fell in love.  I learned about all the species of milkweed in Florida.  I learned how to sow seeds and tend seedlings.  I learned about the different soils. 

I became an avid gardener, turning my wanderlust into a scavenger hunt.  I cultivated local wildflowers that I found on long hikes within town limits.  I watched the native plants bring in native pollinators.  Birds arrived at my house to eat seeds and insects.  An multi-tiered ecosystem arose by planting a few native plants. 

This is why I fell in love with botany, and it is all thanks to the Milkweed Project.